Meth Help
Methamphetamine Facts
Methamphetamine Statistics
History of Methamphetamine
Meth Overdose
Methamphetamine Street Names
Difference Between Methamphetamine and Amphetamine
Methamphetamine Ingredients
HIV and Meth
Crystal Meth
Meth Facts
Teens and Meth
What Does Tweaking Mean?
Meth Laws
How are Methamphetamines Used?
Meth Help
Methamphetamine Withdrawal
Signs of Meth Use
Methamphetamine Treatment
Meth Prevention
Meth Detoxification
Meth Rehab
Meth Forums
Substance Abuse Support Groups
Amphetamine Addiction
Meth Effects
Welcome to Methamphetamine TreatmentThe purpose of this site is to help meth users, parents, families, and friends who may have a loved one who is struggling with methamphetamine use and addiction. Our website is designed to help educate on the statistics of meth drug addiction and what warning signs are associated with methamphetamine use, abuse, and overdose. Our goal is to help meth addicts, families and friends of addicts, and those who may be experimenting with meth or other drugs find therapy or treatment to overcome these addictions and behaviors. Call 800-481-9412 TO SPEAK WITH AN ALCOHOL OR DRUG ABUSE COUNSELORMethamphetamine Statistics
Methamphetamine statistics reveal that meth is a serious problem in the US, though the numbers conflict over if the problem has begun to decrease or if it is still increasing. Keep reading for information on meth stats and demographics of the methamphetamine user.
Methamphetamine Treatment
An overview of options for methamphetamine treatment and tips on supporting a meth addict trying to overcome amphetamine addiction.Recovering from a meth addiction can be very difficult. Overcoming the effects of meth withdrawl symptoms may require a rehab.
Amphetamine Addiction
Amphetamines are central nervous system stimulants that have the potential to be very addictive. A person who is using an amphetamine drug may need help to overcome this dangerous amphetamine addiction. Find help for amphetamine addiciton.
Meth Effects
The effects of methamphetamine use reach much farther than the immediate meth high felt by the meth user. Learn how meth effects the brain and the short-term and long-term meth effects such as meth mouth, weight loss, hallucinations, delusions, and more...