Welcome to Methamphetamine Treatment

meth addiction

The purpose of this site is to help meth users, parents, families, and friends who may have a loved one who is struggling with methamphetamine use and addiction. Our website is designed to help educate on the statistics of meth drug addiction and what warning signs are associated with methamphetamine use, abuse, and overdose. Our goal is to help meth addicts, families and friends of addicts, and those who may be experimenting with meth or other drugs find therapy or treatment to overcome these addictions and behaviors.


What Does Tweaking Mean?
Many parents might wonder, what does tweaking mean? In reference to drugs, it is important to know the signs and symptoms of a drug user, which includes answering the question, what does tweaking mean? Many meth addicts tweak as a symptom of their drug use.
Meth Prevention
Meth prevention must start early. Amphetamine addiction can happen the first time meth is used. Once addicted to meth, quitting is difficult, addiction recovery includes severe withdrawal symptoms treated by medical detox or residential treatment. 
What is Addiction?
What is addiction? The science of understanding addiction can be very complicated as there are many factors that contribute to causing addiction toward certain substances and behaviors. What is addiction is often asked by those who think they might be addicted, or know someone that might have an addiction.
Meth Effects
The effects of methamphetamine use reach much farther than the immediate meth high felt by the meth user. Learn how meth effects the brain and the short-term and long-term meth effects such as meth mouth, weight loss, hallucinations, delusions, and more...